Angela Ezenweani
Executive Director, Practice & Strategy

Angela Ezenweani is the Executive Director, Practice and Strategy at PUNUKA Attorneys & Solicitors and oversees the implementation of the firm’s business strategies and have oversight role on key functions of the firm including finance and accounts, major procurements and general administration. She is a resourceful leader with over 20 years in strategic leadership and business management and brings her wealth of experience in these areas to bear in the discharge of her duties at PUNUKA. She also provides management services to some clients through a secondment arrangement. Angela is a versatile leader and is able to deploy this skill in her communication and engagement with diverse teams.
She holds an MBA in Financial Management from the Lagos State University and is a member of the Association of Legal Administrators -ALA (a global association of law practice managers). She is an associate member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN), member of Nigerian institute of Management (NIMN), Member Business Recovery and Insolvency Partitioners Association of Nigeria (BRIPAN), ICAN Certified Insolvency Practitioner and holds a diploma in advertising.
She has attended training programmes centred on leadership development at the London School of Business and Finance, UK and the Lagos Business School (LBS) amongst others.